Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
— C. S. Lewis
As an Identistories and narrative relations expert, and a journalist, I use stories, coaching and couselling to explore the professional identity of my clients, their companies and teams, mapping their inner imaginary world with narrative and storytelling techniques and then elaborating it. I believe we should all be aware of the story we are and the implicit destiny it entails, which is very important when we want to –or need to– evolve.
As a consultant I facilitate the evolution of individual, team and organizational identity stories, helping to explore the often unconscious script that governs them. I have a special interest in organisational cultures read through narrative humanities, individual and collective identity stories (Identistories) and the creation and design of the connections they create with the environment (Narrative Relationship Design).
I teach HR Communication: Narratives & Imaginaries and Psychosocial Dynamics in Organizational Stories at Pavia University and Organisational Narratives, Empathetic Leadership & Community Building at Lugano’s SUPSI. Formerly part of Fondazione Istud business school then of Scuola Holden's Faculties, from 2011 to 2020 I have directed University of Pavia’s Osservatorio di Storytelling. In 2017 I founded Narrability Journal and in 2019 launched j.u.s.t, a training path combining narrative and journalism. Since 2022 I co-ordinate the Scientific Committee and facilitate the Community of Practice of AssoCounseling. In 2020 I founded Identistories, my reseach and consultancy project on organisational storytelling.
I am the author of numerous publications, including: Raccontarsela - Exploring scripts and organizational stories for individual and business development, ed. Lupetti, 2013; “Sviluppare l’autenticità per evolvere – il counseling per intervenire sulla cultura organizzativa” in AAVV, a cura di Piccinino G., Le buone pratiche del counseling, Franco Angeli 2015; e “Raccontiamoci: narrative counseling & coaching. La coerenza fra identità, cultura e strategie nelle organizzazioni, negli enti, nelle associazioni” in AAVV, Il counseling di gruppo, Armando editore 2019 and “They say I am my own story. Then, how can I change the plot?” in Matters of Telling: The Impulse of the Story, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2016.
See the whole list of publications and research papers and interviews here ↝
Business and Professional Identity
Narrative Humanities and Relationship Design
Individual and Team Coaching and Counselling
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+39 349 8018979
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+39 349 8018979
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